Service Design

A selection of projects completed as course work at the HCII, CMU. Most were completed as group work.

Track Pack

A sensor-enabled backpack to help students, especially neurodivergent students, better manage their materials. LED lights and a light vibration provide feedback to the student, and a tracking software help the parent and teacher support the student improve over time, moving toward independence.

Jesse, Virtual Assistant

Reducing food waste starts at home with making grocery shopping and meal planning easy and convenient. Meet Jesse, an AI system to help families track food usage and prepare meals.

Mobile VR + Leap Motion

Class projects from Expanded Theatre at CMU Mobile VR + Leap Motion by Vivek Sangubhotla + Judeth Oden Choi A mobile virtual reality tool that allows you to reach into and manipulate a virtual world. By using a Leap Motion as the input for an Android phone, and adding a pair of Go4D c1-glasses, we…